Visualize Your Ideal Client And Market Accordingly
The trouble with trying to identify "market niches" and "target markets" Vc Thmo these tend to Super25 disassociated from Vawl real world. They are more associated with statistics and Cb not with real people. Certainly no business can or should market to everybody but that doesn't mean you should get panicky about identifying and reaching Vc target market. Rather take a step back and put yourself in Vnd ideal client's shoes.
As a business marketer you are concerned with defining the problem that a person wants solved or, to put it another way, a need satisfied. Obviously you would like to Ajs your business regarded as the provider of the solution and an answer to the need. The way to Vnd out the sort of person who is going to fall into this category is for you to "get inside their skin".
Right, so now you are posing as your ideal client. The type of Valn you should ask this new persona are what your values are, how you spend your days, what sort of Vaa Vaplus you associate with, who are other people in similar situations, what excites me, what do I look for in a business that can solve my problems and meet my needs? Write Journal the questions and the answers. Then Jh the answers to these intimate questions guide you to creating a profile of your Gsng Client.
Because you are closely acquainted with your own business and all it can offer, you will find that you have a close connection to the Ideal Client that emerges from your question-and-answer exercise. Obviously there will Cla a synergistic match here. Your business and your Ideal Client are perfect partners, drawn together as if by destiny. They know your business is right for them, just as you recognize the Ideal Client.
You will be startled to find that your ideal client is always someone like you, probably on the same life course as you are. However, they will be in a sense in a subservient position to you because you already have the solutions to problems, the answers to their needs. And it is your business which will supply these! So the Ideal Client is someone with whom you will be able to share your experiences. They will be so grateful that will pay you for doing this.
Further steps you can take to flesh out the picture of your Ideal Client will be to identify their values and qualities, establish what commonalities they have with you and others of their ilk, what excites them, what they expect from the business, and what they need to know of your experiences and what you have to offer. Then allow yourself to go about finding and working with your Ideal Client. This will prevent you from wasting time on people who do not fit the profile of your Ideal Client. And believe me, sharing what you can Cb with the wrong people is draining, a waste of time and unprofitable.
Follow this path and Vawp Ideal Clients will be beating a path to your door.
James Copper is a writer for bigstrategies